Wednesday 6 April 2011

Thoeries linking to our Short Film

Our short film follows Todorov’s theory in the way that the short film will start with:
Equilibrium                As the man asks the young women to marry him

Equilibrium disrupted
The young women has thoughts running through               
                                                                   her head as she doesn’t know what decision to

New Equilibrium
                   The young girl replies ‘Yes!’

Our short film doesn’t link to Vladimir Propp’s theory as the short film is too simple to include all the elements he proposes, but if this short film was created into a full film Propp’s theory could very easily be applied.

Our short film follows Clause Levi-Strauss’s theory as we plan to include the genre conventions of a romance within in our short film.
Such as:
Ø  Happy
Ø  Bright
Ø  Smiling
Ø  Kissing

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