Wednesday 6 April 2011

Shooting Script

Camille Proyart & Matthew Ploszynski
OCTOBER 18th, 2010

            FADE IN:
            INT     HOUSE   -   EVENING   (PRESENT DAY)
1       EX. CLOSE UP of a match ZOOMING OUT to an OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT of MATT lighting
           candles in SILENCE.
            FADE INTO:
            EXT     SREET   -   EVENING   (PRESENT DAY)
2   EX. CLOSE UP of material swishing ZOOMING OUT to a MEDIUM SHOT of LIVY
            walking down a street lit by lampposts in SILENCE.
3          EX. CLOSE UP of LIVY putting her key into the front door.
           INT     HOUSE   -   EVENING   (PRESENT DAY)
4          PULL FOCUS of LIVY walking in through the front door. LIVY is in the right of the FRAME as she
            shouts through to MATT. The camera stays FOCUSED on her as she flings her shoes off and makes
            herself as home. The camera FOLLOWS LIVY ROUND the corridor MATT walks through the door.
Heyyyyy, where are you?
Ah my feet are killing me and god the traffic was a nightmare!
Dinner smells good. What have you made?
5          An OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT introduces the character MATT to the audience as he
            stands in the doorway with a huge grin on his face.
Mattttt, what are you up to?
You have a huge grin on your face.
6          An OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT of MATT looking up at LIVY with a ring in his hand.
            LIVY looks down at MATT with a look of confusion in her eyes.
Will you marry me?
7          CLOSE UP of LIVYS face as the camera starts to DOLLY around her getting faster and
            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   NIGHT   (PAST)
8          The camera is in the CENTRE OF THE FRAME as LIVY is tossing and turning in bed.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
save you from your old ways
            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   DAY TIME   (PAST)
9          The camera LOOKS UP at LIVY and MATT playing the guitar together laughing and
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            You play forgiveness
Watch it now ... here he comes!
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
            CUT TO:
            EXT     GARDEN   -   DAY TIME   (PAST)
10        YOUNG LIVY is shown in the CENTRE of the SHOT with only her IN FOCUS as she picks
            a flower smiling and prancing around. 
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
                                    Like you imagined when you were young
            CUT TO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   EVENING   (PAST)
11        CAMERA LOOKS DOWN at LIVY and MATT as they have an argument. The camera
            then SLOWLY COMES DOWN to their level as MATT stops LIVY and puts his arm round
            her to kiss her.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            Can we climb this mountain
I don't know
Higher now than ever before
I know we can make it if we take it slow
Let's take it easy
Easy now, watch it go
            CAMERA DOLLIES around MATT and LIVY as they smile and laugh at each other.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            We're burning down the highway skyline
On the back of a hurricane that started turning
            FADE INTO:
            EXT     PARK   -   DAYTIME   (PAST)
12        There are CUTS between LIVY as a young girl and LIVY in the present day. The camera
            SLOWLY moves around the two characters as they SPIN hand in hand.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            When you were young
When you were young
            FADE INTO:
            EXT     FRONT GARDEN   -   DAYTIME   (PAST)
13        EX.CLOSE UP of LIVY as a young girl stood looking straight into the camera, as she shuts
            her eyes the camera ZOOMS OUT on the older girls face. CAMERA DOLLIES around
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            And sometimes you close your eyes
and see the place where you used to live
When you were young
            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   DAYTIME   (PAST)
14        OVER THE SHOULDER shot of LIVY looking down at a box of memories and cards
            MATTS bought her in the past.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet
You don't have to drink right now
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while

            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   NIGHT   (PAST)
15        The camera is in the CENTRE OF THE FRAME as LIVY is tossing and turning in bed.
            CUT TO:
            EXT     GARDEN   -   DAY TIME   (PAST)
16        YOUNG LIVY is shown in the CENTRE of the SHOT with only her IN FOCUS as she picks
            a flower smiling and prancing around. 
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   DAY TIME   (PAST)
17        The camera LOOKS UP at LIVY and MATT playing the guitar together laughing and
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            You play forgiveness
Watch it now here he comes
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
            FADE INTO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   DAY TIME   (PAST)
18        MEDIUM SHOT of YOUNG LIVY dancing on MATTS feet laughing, camera ZOOMS IN
            on her feet on top of MATTS. REVERSE zoom of older LIVY dancing on MATTS feet in the
            same way.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
            Like you imagined when you were young
(He talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when)
When you were young
I said he doesn't look a thing like Jesus
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus

            CUT TO:
            INT     HOUSE   -   EVENING   (PRESENT DAY)
19        CAMERA LOOKS DOWN and SLOWLY COMES UP as MATT comes up with the ring in
            his hands.
                                    SOUND (song lyrics)
                                    But more than you'll ever know
                                    I love you.
            FADE OUT.

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