Wednesday 6 April 2011

Inspiration From Research

Having researched the short film Strangers it has showed me how a short film gets a strong message across very quickly. From this short film I am going to take the idea of little dialogue and the effect it creates, although I am going to develop this in my own way and add a song within the film where the lyrics back up the story narrative. I will also take the element of how bold the title is with a plain white font creating a dramatic effect.

My idea of how much sound plays a part in a short film is backed up in my second piece of research on the short film Beyond Words. Although Beyond Words is a short film based upon disabilities the sound plays a huge part in how we view a character in a film. I also learnt how carefully I need to plan out each shot and how simple shots such as an over the shoulder shot or a character simply being out of focus plays a huge part in how a character is perceived by the audience.

The short film Paparazzi by Lady Gaga is a very powerful short film containing a song within it but having a small amount of dialogue at the beginning to start the narrative off. I would like to so this with my short film but develop this and instead of the film backing up the music I would like the music to back up the short film. When doing this I am going to have to think carefully of how the music and short film will work together to create a successful final short film. I also think the use of quick cuts with the beat of the music works very well in Lady Gaga’s short film but I don’t think this should be overdone and I will think about this when editing and putting my short film together.

When looking briefly at the short film The Plan I came to realise the importance of whether a shot is colour or black and white and the effect this can have. I think if I look into this very carefully when editing it could work well in describing more about the characters in my short film.

When looking briefly at another short film called Angel by Massive Attack it picked out even more features about how playing with the focus on different characters can represent people in different ways.

This also became apparent when researching short film New Boy. It has become clear through researching all these different short films of all the Micro and Macro elements I can take to achieve my desired effect when creating my short film The Dream.

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