Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ideas Generation/Development

The life
General story ideaThe short story is about a young boy who has just started at university and feels like he is the only normal person. It shows his life in the first week and just what university students get up to. It shows him trying to settle in and how everyone feels awkward to how they all start to mingle and party etc.
Ø  The focus of the film will be to show to stereotypical life of university students.
Ø  The main message of the theme is showing students what their life will be like and the fun side of it rather than all the studying.
Ø  There will be very stereotypical characters for example the ‘posh’ girl, the ‘geek’ and the ‘normal’ person.
Ø  Their purpose will be to add humour to the short film and make it a classical short film loved by all.
Ø  The narrative structure will be linear to make it very simple.
Ø  The short film will be shown in the point of view of the young boy who is seen as ‘normal’.
Ø  It will be set in the present to have a simple and modern impact.
Ø  The audience will be young people around the age of 15 to 25, I plan to reach them by using characters of their age and having a humorous side to it.
Ø  The location would be a university. This would be accessible but may be a little impractical as it would be hard to film each scene.
Ø  I think quick editing techniques will impact the film by making it more upbeat and exciting for the audience to watch.
Ø  I will require skills to be very organised as it would be hard to film each different scene.
Ø  I think I could achieve this idea although it would have to be done over a long period.

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