Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ideas Generation/Development

Stop now
General story idea
The short film is about a young boy who is being bullied at school and how he’s scared to go to a teacher and tell them as he’s being threatened. It shows everything he goes through, crying in bed, making himself sick so he doesn’t have to go to school and wearing big clothes to hide his bruises. Once the boy decides to tell a teacher it gets sorted and the bullies stop. The short film will have a strong message of what these bullies are doing to this young boy and how much it affects him but then teaches children who watch it what the right thing to do is.
Ø  The focus of the short film will be bullying.
Ø  The main message is to stop bullying at schools!
Ø  The main character will have a very low self esteem and show a young boy who is petrified to go to school because of the bullies. I will represent him as a normal young boy who’s childhood is getting ruined by a nasty group of bullies.
Ø  This young boy will develop the narrative as we see what he goes through, and how it all ends up.
Ø  The narrative structure will be linear with a clear start and end.
Ø  The audience are going to see the film from the young boys view so that they get an insight into his life and feelings.
Ø  My audience will be all children, to teach them about bullying at school.
Ø  The location would be in a school and a house, this could be a little un practical as it could be hard to get permission to film in a school.
Ø  The techniques I can draw from my research are how to get a message across and how to get the audience to understand the main characters feelings and make them feel like they are part of the short film.
Ø  Editing techniques will be used to create tension when needed with quick cuts.
Ø  I will require skills to work with young children and figure out what they may feel.
Ø  I think it will be hard to achieve this as I would have to use children and film in a school.

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