Wednesday 6 April 2011


I am in a pair with Matthew Ploszynski and we will propose our ideas to each other and then pick the one we think will be the most successful.
Matthew Ploszynski’s story idea:
The new year had just turned and all the universities were starting to have their new year balls and all the students were rushing around buying outfits and finding dates to go with, all except this one girl, Jessie, she spent all her time working hard and studying for her final exam in the summer, she never went out or did anything a recluse in many people’s eyes. People rumoured that she was under house arrest but after thinking about any possible crime she could have done and there being no options that idea was quickly stamped out. Knowing deep down that everyone thought she was this weird psycho girl she decided that she wouldn’t go out and prove to everyone how normal she is by getting a good job and working hard but at the same time also playing hard.
It was a heavy night out on the town for James and his mates, they had been out clubbing since six o clock its now half four in the morning and they think it best to go home and prepare themselves for the next day. This sort of a late night is pretty normal for James, he spends most of his life out on the town and chasing after girls and flirting with pretty much every girl he meets. It was a hard morning for James and his friends they all had extremely bad headaches and very early morning lectures, the boys didn’t really mind to much about the lectures though as they see university just to be one massive party and they see no point in getting a degree, especially with the new year’s ball coming up, so that was their main focus of the morning. “Oi James who are you taking to the ball this year?”  “I’m not to sure yet, I’ve seen this girl around but I’ve only seen her once and don’t know her name or anything about her, you?” “ Yeah I’m taking Jessica Meldrew, she’s so hot!” James didn’t like the fact that he didn’t have a date for the party yet so he decided that he would go and meet this mysterious girl. It was a fairly average morning for James walking to school with five girls who all think he’s the most attractive at their college, but he wasn’t after any of these girls so he asked the ones he’s walking with if they know the girl he’s after. “so do you know her or not?” “Yeah ive seen her around, but why do you want her? She never does anything all she does is work, work, work why do you want to take her when you’ve got me?” “ yes that is the big question, now anyway what’s her name? “ her stupid name is Jessie crump” “thank you ladies, see you around” With her name still fresh in his ears he ran of to college to try and find this Jessie, he went looking throughout the whole college and it suddenly dawn to him that he should try the library, so he went marching off and after five minutes of looking around the library , he found someone. “There you are!” “Excuse me? What do you mean?” “I’ve been looking everywhere for you Jessie” “ how do you know my name?” “ I like you and I want to know if I can take you out tonight?” “Erm well I should really do this work..” “Okay ill pick you up at seven” Without having anything to say back to James apart from a slight muffled yes, Jessie slowly walked home, chuffed to pieces with her self, this will be the first time she has been out with a boy and not just any boy the best looking boy in the whole campus. When she got home she went straight upstairs and started rummaging through her clothes, her mother came up the stairs, “Jessie what are you doing?” “ I’m going out tonight mum” “out? And where do you think you’re going Miss?” “Well this boy, James invited me out!” “ Well why didn’t you say, now jump in the shower and get yourself ready!” The time flew by and before she knew it James was knocking at her door ready to take her out, although he didn’t say anything he thought she looked absolutely stunning. James took her out to the posh part of town and they both had a wonderful time laughing and joking around with each other, Jessie was having the most fun she’d ever had, which in a way is sad but then on the other its good for her to know finally love. The couple became so involved with one another they kept on going out with each other, what started as once a week thing became three, four times a week and they started falling for each other. The school dance was just around the corner and James still hadn’t asked Jessie if she would go with him, but he wasn’t really to fussed that he had left it late as he was nearly one hundred percent sure she would in fact say yes to his request, and she didn’t disappoint as later that day he asked her if she would go with him and she flew herself into his arms and said yes with such a huge smile that made the earth seem pale and insignificant at that present moment. The dance had arrived and all the students looked brilliant but Jessie who looked amazing stole the night. The new found couple danced the night away and the time had just gone, it got to closing time and James offered to walk Jessie home, on the way he asked her if she would move in with him in their own little flat jess didn’t know what to say but foolish said yes without really thinking about it.  So eight months on and the couple are just starting to settle into their new home, they seem to be really enjoying living there. James wanted to really prove his love to Jessie so he decided he would ask to marry her, she happily accepted the offer, the wedding preparations were going fine and there had been no problems, but something was starting to eat away at Jessie, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

The wedding day had finally arrived , all the guests were there dressed up really smart in their shirts and blazers , James was stood at the altar waiting to see he gorgeous wife to be walk in the church any second, the church doors flung open and Jessie’s dad walked in but there was no Jessie much to everyone’s dismay , James didn’t know what to do he had never been stood up like this before , he tried to phone her but there was no answer, he had become what he had feared the most of all, he was left at the altar loveless.

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