Wednesday 6 April 2011

Audience Research

I am going to look at two successful blockbuster films and look at who the main target audience is for these and I how I can follow similar techniques in able to engage my target audience.
Titanic is a hugely successful blockbuster known and loved by people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone can relate to this film in some way as the film has specific devices to catch their target audience. The target audience for Titanic is everyone and this is done by creating characters from different classes, the male from lower class and the woman from upper class and somehow bringing them together using the huge power of love. Romance films appeal to huge target audiences rather than one specific age group. A technique used is using songs sung by Celine Dion who is a well known famous artist with a huge fan base. I think I could use the technique of an artist bringing in my target audience and by mixing it with a typical romance it will create a large target audience.
Dirty Dancing:

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