Friday 8 April 2011

Location Recce with Risk Assessment

In order to find the best location to film our short film a location recce is necessary. This is done to choose an area to film which is the most suitable and will be the most successful, it also needs to be practical so we can all access it.
(The images are print screens we have later added in from our short film in order to show the locations we have written about when planning the location)
Our requirements are as follows:
Ø  A comfy living space
Ø  A large corridor
Ø  Two different bedrooms

1)      The first area we need to film in is a corridor coming in from the front door of a house, this area will introduce both of the characters Livy and Matt, there are no health and safety issues in this area as it is plain, the only issue we may have is where to place the filming apparatus in the corridor as there will be a limited amount of space. We have decided that we will play with this idea on the night of filming in order to see where we can take the best shot from.

2)      Another area we plan to use is a bedroom with a double bed which the characters share. A problem we need to consult is that there are photographs on the walls of this bedroom, we will either have to make these out of focus or take them down for the filming duration as the photographs don’t match the two actors. The bedroom will be tidied to ensure there are no safety issues and there will be a clear area to move around in during filming.

3)      One of the main filming areas will be in the living room where we plan to clear an area so that we have a canvas like white background effect and plain wooden flooring. We are going to use this area for a variation of shots. There will be no health and safetly issues as we are going to clear the space so there is a clear area to use when filming.

4)    We are going to use the living to room for a shot of Livy and Gasey together relaxing and having fun, we plan for this to only be a short clip and therefore will be extremely simple.

5)    For more variation we are going to film in two bedrooms, just so that there is a small change. This bedroom is relatively small, therefore there won’t be enough space to move all of the filming equipment around and we will only do a shot focusing on the bed.

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