Wednesday 6 April 2011

Target Audience- Sound

From our research we can look further into our target audience through the use of sound as well as all other elements.
The genre of our short film is romance, we can see from our audience survey that the majority of under twenty year olds that filled out our survey enjoyed watching romance films more than any other genres. Although our audience survey showed that under twenty’s enjoyed romance more than other ages we also found that romance is still popular with over twenty’s and over fifty’s therefore we will mainly target under twenty year olds using the technique of sound but we also plan for our short film to appeal to all ages.
When we asked the question ‘Do you think lyrics hold a story behind them?’ we found that through generations lyrics have become a more and more important element of a song and hold a lot more meaning and it is for this reason that all under twenty year olds answered yes to the question, then 85% of over twenty year olds answered yes where as it lowers to 66% of over fifty year olds answering yes.

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