Wednesday 6 April 2011

Ideas Generation/Development

Live Laugh & Love
General story idea
A young man is very confused and has been with his girlfriend for a long time which is resulting in constant arguments and bickering. He decides he needs to take a risk and live life to the full as he’s still young and has the whole of his life ahead of him. To sort his head out he ends it with his girlfriend for a while goes on a road trip and sits in a field with alcohol and music to sort out what to do and how he wants to live his life. The short film then skips to one year later... The young man is a complete mess and has ruined what he used to have, he has learnt to live life to the full but with the people around him who he loves. He drives back to his ex-girlfriend’s house with a glint of hope. He then walks in and sees his ex happy, smiling and pregnant with a new boyfriend.
Ø The focus of my short film will be about love and how sometimes you can’t see the things right in front of you.
Ø The main message of my film will be that you can find love in places you don’t expect and how it can take time to know this.
Ø There will be one main character, it will be a male and he’s lost within himself and feels he needs a fresh start to know what he wants in life. I will present them by having a voice over so we know how the character feels and then using a various amount of shots to show feelings and emotions.
Ø This character will develop the narrative through us knowing what’s going on in his head and how change can affect people.
Ø The structure of this film will be with the audience finding out about all the main characters feelings at the beginning and how he decides to cope with them, in the middle it will say one year later. The ending will be of him walking in on his ex girlfriend smiling, happy and pregnant with another man. This will challenge Todorovs theory as it has a way of missing out the middle section of the story.
Ø The audience are going to understand the film from the male main characters point of view as there will be a voice over evolving around his life and emotions.
Ø The film will be set in present as it will be modern although in the film it will look at the man’s life over a year.
Ø The audience will be to any age over 15 as love applies to everyone in all sorts of different ways. I plan to reach to the audience by using the voice over to involve the audience with the main character and they know exactly what is happening.
Ø Location would be in a house with scenes with the girlfriend, a car when he tries to get away and a field when he has mixed emotions on what to do, these are all practical places which aren’t hard to get to.
Ø From previous research I am going to use techniques of music to build up tension within a scene and also the idea of the audience understanding how a character feels.
Ø I plan to use a variation of editing techniques to set the moment of the film, for example when there are fast cuts it symbolises action or fear etc depending on the setting and what’s happening.
Ø I am going to require to be able to plan what I film and the timing of the film very accurately for it to match with a voice over.
Ø As a group we would distribute roles by having regular meetings on what’s happening and what needs to be done by each individual.
Ø I think this idea is one which I would be able to achieve although I may need to think about putting more depth and meaning into the short film.

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