Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

As a group we found the audience research one of the most important parts of making a successful short film. We started by looking at two successful romance blockbuster films, including Titanic and Dirty Dancing. When looking at these films we found the films appealed to all ages as everyone can relate to them in some way. We then went onto looking at elements that all ages like. One of the main things which helped us in our research was doing an audience survey which gave us results influencing the sound we used in our final product. We created characters so that the audience can identify with them, our aim was for people to identify with the young girl ‘Livy’ and see how she has grown up with a dream and grown up so fast. We feel that the audience are able to identify with her as we see her at two ages with the young man ‘Matt’, showing all her emotions. The genre becomes extremely obvious at the beginning as ‘Matt’ asks ‘Livy’ to marry him showing it is a romance.

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